Errante soy y peregrino

Errante soy y peregrino,
como un extraño por doquier,
espero que el amor divino,
consuelo y paz me va a ofrecer.
Confiado voy a la morada
donde está el Padre Creador;
al terminar esta jornada
junto estaré a mi Salvador.

Ya llego al fin de mi camino
ya siento próximo el Jordán;
nada me inquieta mi destino;
que aquí mis penas quedarán.
Confiado voy a la morada
la dulce Madre encontraré;
al terminar esta jornada
en su regazo dormiré.


Vell pelegrí

Vell pelegrí, jo vaig fent via,
com foraster arreu del món,
i estic segur que, a l'altra vida,
m'acollirà Déu pietós.
Me'n vaig allà a veure el Pare,
Iassat el cos de caminar;
al capdavall de la jornada,
lloc de repòs penso trobar.

El meu camí ja arriba a terme,
ja sento pròxim el Jordà;
però amb la mort res no puc perdre,
que hi deixaré el meu penar.
Allà veuré jo el meu Pare,
consol i amor em donarà;
al capdavall de la jornada,
prop d'Ell espero reposar.

Jo veig la fi sense temença,
com un descans per al meu cos,
i veig venir la recompensa,
per Déu promesa al meu esforç.
Me'n vaig allà, al sojorn deIs àngels,
on no rebré cap més refús;
per cantar amb ells goigs i lloances,
eternament, al bon Jesús.


Wayfaring stranger

I'm just a poor wayfaring stranger.
I'm a-travelling through this world of woe,
But there's no sickness, toil, or danger
In that sweet home to which I go.
I'm going there to see my mother.
She said she'd meet me when I come.
I'm only going over Jordan;
I'm only going over home.

I know dark clouds are going to gather around me,
And I know my way will be rough and steep,
But beautiful fields lie just before me,
Where God's redeemed their vigils keep.
I'm going there to meet my loved ones,
Gone on before me one by one.
Oh, I'm just going over Jordan;
I'm only going over home.

I want to wear a crown of glory
When I get home to that good land,
And I want to sing redemption's story
In concert with the blood-washed band.
I'm going there to see my Savior;
I'll dwell with him and no more roam.
Oh, I'm just going over Jordan;
I'm only going over home.

I'll soon be done with my earthly trials;
My body will sleep in the old church yard.
I'll drop this cross of self-denial,
And I'll go a-singing home to God.
I'm going there to live forever,
And there I'll sing redemption's song.
I'm only going over Jordan;
Oh, I'm just going over home.