Guíame con amor

Guíame con amor, buen Salvador;
Tú, de mi alma el solo Pastor.
En tu aprisco anhelo entrar
Y sin temor reposar.

Nunca... nunca...
Quiero dejarte, Jesús - Salvador,
Nunca... nunca...
Ni tu amor olvidar.

En mis angustia a Ti clamaré,
Tú me bendices, a Ti cantaré.
A Ti unido yo quiro estar
Y de tu gloria gozar.

Sin Ti, Jésús, nada bueno haré,
En mis flaquezas jamás venceré;
Sólo en tus fuerzas podré pelear
Y la victoria ganar.

Día feliz en que Cristo vendrá,
Y por sus ángeles reunirá
Los que con El dignos son de reinar
Y su amor proclamar.


Tenderly guide us

Tenderly guide us,
O Shepherd of love,
To the green pastures
and waters above,
Guarding us ever by
night and by day,
Never from Thee would I stray.

Never! Never!
Never! Oh, never!
For Thou art the way;
Never! Never!
Never from Thee would we stray!

What though the heavens
with clouds be o'ercast!—
Fearful the tempest,
and bitter the blast!
Still with the light
of Thy Word on the way,
Never from Thee would I stray.

Over our weakness
Thy strength has been cast:
Keep us in meekness,
Thine own till the last;
Then, safely folded,
with joy we shall say,
Never from Thee would I stray.